The tables below concern spending on private companies by NHS Trusts and Foundation Trusts within Integrated Care Boards in England, during the period July 2022 - June 2023. Currently, the data is only shown for the 18 Trusts and FTs within Cheshire and Merseyside ICB, 5 Trusts and FTs within North East London, and 4 Trusts and FTs within South East London. You can discover which companies are operating where, and in some cases, an overview of the company history, and their track record of law-breaking in the UK and US or that of their parent company. Some firms are also accredited by NHS England via the Health Systems Support Framework, a high level planning system for contracts to develop Integrated Care.
In Cheshire and Merseyside, North East London and South East London, private spending by Trusts and FTs far outweighed direct private spending by the ICB.
In Cheshire and Merseyside, North East London and South East London, private spending by Trusts and FTs far outweighed direct private spending by the ICB.
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